- Ruhr-Universität Bochum

© Fakultät für Maschinenbau
About us
Dean’s Office

Prof. Dr. Andreas Ostendorf

Prof. Dr. Andreas Kilzer
Vice Dean
Managing Director

Dr. Holger Grote
Managing director of the faculty
Dean’s Office Staff

Daniela Bahc
- Assistant Dean/Managing Director
- Faculty affairs
- Faculty Council/Structural Commission
- Appeal procedure
Room: IC 02/179
Tel.: +49 234/32-26192
E-Mail: db-dekanat-mb@rub.de

Edda Seifert
- Finances
- HP 2020/ZSL
- Acquisition, inventory
- HR
Room: IC 02/182
Tel.:+49 234/32-28190
E-Mail: es-dekanat-mb@rub.de
For information about lecturing, please visit the page of the examination office:
For information about doctoral and postdoctoral studies, please visit the following page:
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