- Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Public Relations
For faculty members
We are happy to support our faculty members with numerous PR activities on request. Whether print materials, websites, image videos, photography, preparation and dissemination of news and much more: Feel free to contact us!
For journalists
Are you looking for interview partners or do you need information on a specific topic? Call or write us. We will be happy to put you in direct contact with researchers from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum.
For pupils and teachers
Bringing the study of engineering to life: This is exactly what we want to achieve with our school projects. We invite school groups to the RUB to get to know mechanical engineering from very different perspectives. More information about our offers can be found here.
For companies, associations and scientific institutions
Whether scholarships, career events or exchange of experiences – get in touch with us! We look forward to possible cooperation with partners from the fields of industry, research and education.
PR and Marketing Officer of the Faculty
Room: IC 02/177
Tel.: +49 175 1050354
E-Mail: info-mb@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Staff member PR and Marketing
Room: IC 02/179
Tel.: +49 234/32-26192
E-Mail: db-dekanat-mb@ruhr-uni-bochum.de